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S$ 398.00
U.P. $474
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1x Klimax Drops
1x Kitty Drops
1x Kitty Scrub
1x Kitty Rinse
1x Juicy Kitty
For more information on individual products, please click on PRODUCTS tab to see more information on respective products.
For specific directions of how to use each individual products, please click on the link to the products above!
Kitty Scrub
– The scrub is not harsh on the skin which I really like about that. After using it for a few days, I noticed that my kitty feels smoother and lesser bumps and itch. Lesser ingrown as well since I have problems with that in the past. My 🐱 feels so soft afterwards ❤️
Kitty Drops and Klimax Drops
– THIS IS SOME WITCHERY CRAFT RIGHT HERE!!!! It keeps me moisturised and acts as a lubricant. Both Kitty and Klimax drops helps to stimulate my wetness 💦 and it got me sensitive. Babe ….. PLS I HAVE NEVER SEEN MY MAN SO WILD DURING SEGGS. We usually have like 2 – 3 rounds and that’s it. He couldn’t get enough of it when I tried it and he doesn’t even know why (was a surprise to him). We went for multiple rounds for like an hour. I didn’t even have the Kitty Pops to help me get wet. I usually got no problem with getting wet down there but in between seggs I can get dry. The oils are super super helpful and bonus they smell great too!
Definitely making repeated purchase, and also can’t wait for the Kitty Pops to be back in stock so I can try them too. ❤️
Babe!!!! What sorcery is thissss?!?!
So sorry for the late review. But Ur products is crazy AMAZING!! ❤️🔥
I bought the kitty trio , and my purpose is to start caring for my baby jay . But ur products is life changing . It brighten my baby jay and i love how smooth my skin is after shaving and using the kitty drops! Ur scrub it’s AMAZING too . I’ve been using it for one week and my baby jay is 2 shade lighter , even my husband notice it!! Ever since I received ur product (last Tuesday) we have been making love almost 7 days straight .. normally if we had sex for 3/4 days straight It will be harder for me to get wet and we need to use saliva or lubricant, but for the past few days of making love I don’t have to use it!! It’s like very wet on its own .. and I did this experiment HAHAH I asked my husband to smell me the next morning .. he ended up eating me in the morning HAHAHAHA he say my baby jay smells nice 🤣 if I got pregnant to my fourth child I’ll blame ur product !! It’s so good and I feel so clean ..
Thank you so much dear for ur amazing products I will definitely come back for more 😈❤️🔥
So I just tried the kitty pops and the klimax drops
My partner helped me insert it And omg …. I could immediately feel my 🐱 tightening and even my partner felt like I’ve grown so much tighter and tmi but we were going at it and after massaging the kitty drops onto my 🐱 I felt this burst of hormones. We were going at it… till my whole bed was completely soaked. I absolutely love it ❤️ omg
hi girlie!! i used all the products today and let me just say it was FANTASTICCC!!! ❤️❤️❤️
my bf loved how sweet the kitty drops and klimax drops taste , he used to say it tasted “salty” cuz i meann i eat lotsss of salty food but after using it today , he said it tasted sweet!! And for the rinse and scrub , ohh my gawdddd it never felt better than anything 🥰🥰🥰 i no longer have the razor bumps after shaving like i usually do and the rinse smells sooooo good and really cleansing and moisturising for my skin 🥺🥺 might get the strawberry one in the futuree!!🤭🤭love your products! ❤️
hi babe!! omg tried it today w my partner 🤭 he was so shocked by how wet i was and got even harder HAHAHAHAHA tmi but it made him so much more feral and dominant for some reason???? 😂 he was also pretty delighted by the yummy peach scent when he went down on me 🤣
also from my personal pov, after 2 uses of the kitty rinse, kitty scrub and kitty drops, i can definitely feel my coochie feeling softer and smoother!! 😍
Hello!! I wanted to give a quick review because I was so excited to use them. I have been using the rinse and it reduces the itchiness that I tend to have in a day. I love the smell of both the kitty scrub and kitty oil. Smells quite yummy too haha 😂 The scrub isnt abrasive on my kitty, and I used it on my inner tights too. It made them soo soft, I couldn’t believe it at first. As for the kitty oil, it helped to make my kitty even softer, as I have dry skin around the area. Thank you for releasing such products, I am now more committed to taking care of my intimate area 🌹
Hi babe ps for the late review.
Just want to let you know that the product literally swept my feet off. My vjj is very black and dark due to after giving birth thrice and for the past 1 week++ I’ve been diligently using the product and just today I looked at myself in the mirror and omg mind blown haha the color turned 2-3 shades lighter and I’m sold man. My husb also did notice there’s no foul smelling odor and even commented on how good the products are. Wew I saw the improved version of it and I’ll definitely be back for it after I’m finishing it. Thank you so much for even inventing and coming up with something like this to build up inner confidence in females, love it 💖💖
Kitty rinse review
OMG 😆 IT WAS AWESOME I SWEAR ! My hub say my vjj smell good !! And I really love the strawberry instead of peach 🍑 smell🤍
This is my second purchase and ONCE I FINISHED BOTH BOTTLES I WILL REPURCHASE AGAIN ❤️❤️❤️
Hi!!! i’m texting this at 145 AM because.. I used the climax drop before my partner came around at mine and my goodness he was gripping my thighs all the way (which he has never done that before). We both had a sexy sexy time and it was absolutely a blast 😉😟
Seriously. People. Foxy. Products. Are. A. Need.
I’ve used the rest too and it’s non drying & as a whole an amazing experience to take care of myself! Never been so excited to keep my well being in check ☺️ I will for sure keep coming back for you! Thanks a lot❤️
kitty trio set:
i tried the kitty rinse and OH MY GAWD MY 🐱 NEVER FELT BETTER THAN BEFORE
it made my vjj smell like strawberries 💅🏻
as for the kitty scrub, i used it and oh lord the amt of dead skin when i scrubbed was js unbelievable 💀 the kitty drops made my vjj feel so smooth and soft like whattt 😩
seduction set:
i used the klimax drops recently w my bf, and usually we only go for 2 to 3 rounds then my down there gets dry asf after using the klimax drops, MY VJJ WAS SO WET AND LUBRICATED IT FELT LIKE WETTER THAN WET AND WE WENT FOR 5 ROUNDS +
he said my vjj smelt so sweet and we definitely enjoyed it to the maxx 🤞🏻 DEFINITELY WILL BUY AGAIN
foxy affairs changed my sex life and their products changed my vjj FOREVER my bf now wants to eat me out more frequently cos of the klimax drops
Thanks babe! Just tried the product and i gotta say, damn it smells gooooood!!! Got the strawberry set and wow wasnt expecting it to smell so good.
As it was only my first day using cant comment much , but i would like to say the scrub is actually so smooth? I was expecting like those body scrubs which sometimes i find too harsh on the skin but this is diff and i love it.
Will use it for atleast 2 weeks and be back with more reviews for you 😬😬😬
The kitty rinse didn’t feel like a usual feminine wash like lactacyd, it felt clean and smelled good and also helped to keep me wet.
I didn’t get to use the klimax drops because there was no need to, the kitty drops were enough 🥵
The kitty drops got me so wet I had a lot more moisture than usual! I’m someone who gets dry between rounds of sex but it kept me wet even after a 2 hour nap inbetween. I also rubbed some onto my bf’s 🍆 and he said his orgasm felt very intense, more than usual.
will probably get more kitty drops in the future! 🥵🥵🥵
Hello admin!! I just wanted to share something abt the kitty scrub. I noticed that the scrub does help with ingrown hairs! For some reason, the rinse and the scrub helped to dry and heal the ingrown hair wound? (This was due to my unskilled sugaring lol) But it helped me to extract ingrown hairs much easier. I didn’t know know I had this loong ingrown hair upon extraction 😱 Thank you once again for these products 💕
HEY! Thank you so much babes for the recommendation. My set came on Friday, tried the care products first and OHMIGOSHHHHH the amount of dead skin when i scrubbed 💀💀 … with the oil it left my 🐱 feeling smooth and soft and non-itchy n smelling nice! Very gentle as compared to other products too.
THE KLIMAX DROPS ANOTHER ONE. I don’t have a partner so i use it solo and babes… if any foxybabes have no link… klimax drops are so good for solo play! anonymous plss 😁
Fr so obsessed
hi babe!!! i’ve been using the products for the past few days and oh. my. GOD. swear omg i SWEAR my meowmeow has gotten lighter??? im not v good with science but im pretty damn sure this is a scientific breakthrough for all of humanity omgomgomg. i got the peach one and i LOVE the scent so much n im very sensitive to smell one but this is so nice??
the rinse is my ride or die she is everything i ever needed tbh like i feel so clean n cute using it HAHAH the scrub is super nice n it doesn’t irritate my skin at all. i tend to scrub like im washing a car but even then my meowmeow isnt irritated. the drops rlly moisturises the skin and my meowmeow feels softer im shook
havent used the klimax drops yet (too busy to meet the sneaky link HAHAH) but will definitely send a review when i do!! also may or may not have brought another set 💸💸💸
Been wanting to give a review but been hella busy so now it’s finally review time. I’ve been finding for a right product to whiten my VJJ when I came across your ads on IG. Was thinking for a long time if I should buy, but I just went on to purchase one set and now it has become an essential of my life. 🥺❤️
Ordered the seduction set + free vibrator 🙈 Ordered on 27th Feb and received the set the next day which was an aww factor 🥰 Thanks a lot for the fastest delivery ever. I kept the gel wash, scrub, kitty drops with me and gave the vaginal suppositories & klimax drops for my bf to keep and bring whenever we go out.
I ordered the strawberry flavour and it’s my most favourite now. Gel wash is very mild scented but cleans thoroughly. Scrub is also good, kitty drops itself is like klimax drops and I’m yet to try the klimax drops. 🥵 Eagerly waiting to try as my man is busy with his work 😩 We will be going out right after Eid so I can’t wait to use the rest of them and feedback to you.
HIII BABEEE, just wanted to drop a review for the products!! and i must sayy that i am literally so happyyy!! using so many products in the past, but nothing has felt betterrr than your productsss!! i reallyy can tell the difference even using the kitty rinse & scrub just like twice.. it feeelsss soo good!! will reorder asapppp🥰🥰
the kitty rinse & scrub smells soo goodd!! even my boyfriend said that they smelt damnnn goodd!! the kitty drops just brought the whole smelll to the next levelll & it made my skinnn so smoothhh like a baby’s bottom… my boyfriend just cannot stop touching me.. the klimax dropp was such a bombb.. i actuallyy used like tiny dropsss firstt because i didn’t want it to smell or taste so overpowering… but my boyfriend asked me to put some moreee becausee it tasted so damn gooddd!!! reallyy soo happyyyy❤️😍🤤😈💦
Hi Babe! Omg, your products just work wonders. Especially klimax drop. I swear my man eats my pussy like a buffet spread! He spends alot of time down there too! Sex and foreplay has never felt this goood! It constantly keeps me wet and he even said “Omg you’re soaking wet, always. The taste and smell makes me want it even more” We had sex for a good 4 hours multiple rounds! Can you imagine! Thank you for coming out with this!!!! PERFECT. Kitty drops helps to keep everything smooth and fresh. Love it! ❤️❤️
HALLOOOO here r my reviews!!!! packaging v cute!!
Peach scent… love it… cant wait to try the strawberry next hehe
a bit weird but it was my bf who stumbled across ur page n ask me to try, cus ive been using this other brand, and it was rly burning holes in my wallet 💀💀 the wash, scrub and the kitty drops rly DAMN NICE OK!!! whoever sees this review, just get it and try, no harm one, cus u will love it! As for the klimax drops.. rly sia, like become v wet v fast, and the sensation lasts for some time so dont happy happy then aft tht go out eat supper 🤣🤣🤣 overall, will def buy more aft i finish!!!!! I love it ☺️
hii babe i tried all the products and let me tell uu my man was super into it and he even said my kitty smells sweet and it was more wet then usual HAHAHA personally for me after using the kitty scrub i don’t see any ingrowns or bumps anymore it made my kitty super soft and smooth, the kitty rinse made me feel fresh down there and i love how its so gentle bcuz i have a sensitive kitty so its like really hard using any products down there, the oil did wonders for me, i notice there wasn’t any odour instead it smelled so good and it made my kitty felt super moisturised !!! thankeuu im definitely purchasing again maybe the peach one hehe !!
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